WInston Smith
associate broker

Graduated from Emory University (B.A.) and Georgia State University (MBA), Winston has 26 years of experience, ranging from land acquisition to brokerage, appraisal, development, and construction. 

After gaining experience as a financial consultant with Synovus Securities and leasing consultant with Jones Lange LaSalle, Winston launched his career as a real estate developer. Acting as both broker and principal, he has gained in-depth experience assembling, entitling, and developing single and multi-family properties.

At Macallan Real Estate, Winston will focus on the acquisition, disposition and entitlement of all types of land across the southeast.

Winston currently splits time between residences in Atlanta and Fairhope, AL, and enjoys spending time with his family and friends traveling, hunting, fishing, and boating. Winston and his wife Amanda are members of Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta and Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fairhope.
